
Skin Tags vs. Moles: How to Understand the Difference

Mar 10, 2025
 Skin Tags vs. Moles: How to Understand the Difference
Is it a mole or is it a skin tag? These common blemishes often get confused, but they have distinct characteristics and potential implications. Learn how to tell them apart, understand the risks, and keep your skin looking its best.

It’s wise to keep an eye on your skin for any changes, like new moles. But not every new spot is a mole. Approximately half of adults develop skin tags at some point in their lives, and while these blemishes can sometimes look similar, they’re quite different from moles.

At Shady Grove Dermatology in Rockville, Maryland, our experienced team is committed to keeping your skin healthy and beautiful. We can identify new growths, assess any risks, and provide safe and effective removal, if desired.

Both moles and skin tags are typically harmless, but understanding the differences can give you peace of mind and help you stay informed about your skin health. 

Keep reading to learn more about these common skin concerns, and when it may be time to seek professional advice from our experts.

Distinguishing between moles and skin tags

Moles are pigmented spots that may be black, brown, pink, tan, or even blue. They can be flat or raised and appear anywhere on your body.

While some moles are present at birth, others show up later in life. Most are benign, but keep a close eye on them for any changes, especially if you spend a lot of time in the sun.

Skin tags, on the other hand, are usually the same tone as your skin, or a little darker. They often appear to dangle from the skin by a small fleshy stalk. 

Composed of excess skin cells, these growths tend to pop up in areas where your skin rubs together, such as the armpits, neck, groin, or breasts. Skin tags aren’t cancerous, but they can become irritated when they chafe against clothing or skin, or get caught in jewelry or zippers.

Treatment and prevention

Although skin tags are harmless, it’s easy to confuse them with other growths like moles and warts. In rare cases, skin cancer can be mistaken for a simple skin tag, which is why regular screenings with our team are so important.

We can confirm that what you’re seeing is indeed a skin tag and not an early warning sign or a condition that requires different attention. And if you want it removed for comfort or cosmetic reasons, professional removal is the safest and most effective option.

Depending on the size and location of the skin tag(s) to be removed, we may use techniques like cryotherapy (freezing), electrosurgery, or ligation (stopping blood supply by tying off the base of the growth). 

For moles, especially if there’s any concern about them being atypical or cancerous, we may perform a biopsy or surgical excision.

You can’t entirely prevent moles, but you can minimize the risks by protecting your skin from sun damage. This means wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher daily, even on cloudy days. 

Seek shade during the sun’s peak hours and wear protective clothing like hats and long sleeves.

While the exact causes of skin tags aren’t fully understood, maintaining a healthy weight and managing any underlying hormonal conditions may help reduce the likelihood of developing them. 

Get to know your skin and check it regularly for anything new or any changes in existing moles or skin tags.

Are you still unsure whether it’s a mole, a skin tag, or something else? Our experts at Shady Grove Dermatology are here to help. Call us or book an appointment online to ensure healthy, vibrant skin for years to come.